When is Collagen Induction Therapy Appropriate for a Particular Patient?
Collagen induction therapy (CIT) is a minimally-invasive procedure that aims to improve the appearance of fine lines, [...]
How to Increase your Practice Revenue With a Micro Needling Pen
With the introduction of the SkinPen® device, micro needling can take on an entirely new dimension for [...]
Microneedling or Botox Injections? Which is Right for My Patients?
As a clinician, patients look to you for professional advice about anti-aging procedures. They respect your advice and [...]
Skinfuse: Microneedling Post-Procedure Protocol
Microneedling with the SkinPen® device is a comprehensive program that includes specific microneedling post-procedure protocols. This enables the [...]
Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Procedures for Your Spa
Spas want to offer your clientele the very best in skin care. But which treatments constitute the [...]
New Skin Care Anti-Aging Procedures to Introduce to My Practice
What do today’s prospective patients want in skin care anti-aging procedures? The very latest medical science has [...]
What Can My Patients Expect from a Microneedling Procedure?
Setting expectations with patients is a critical first step for any aesthetic medical procedure. Both of you [...]
How Can Skin Needling Add Value to Your Practice?
Competition has heated up for plastic and cosmetic surgeons in recent years. Public interest in aesthetic enhancement [...]
Why Microneedling is Ideal for Your Patients with an Active Lifestyle
If you didn’t know better, you might think microneedling was developed specifically with active lifestyles in mind. [...]